Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rise of the fallen

This trip was so smooth
No worries,No hardships
But what happened,I don't know
The path has got so rude
Lots of ammo,Lots of warships,
ready to blow me on single move
I am trapped,There is no U-turn
There seems no undo option.

Day was so bright,
Night is even darker.
Running was so easy
Now,standing is even harder.
But they say
After every dark,there's light.
But it seems to be an endless night

Even if it is not that long
Who knows,I'll ever wake?
Even if I stay strong
What I will do in this world fake
The world which left me dying
Which I thought was smiling coz of me
Which always was laughing on me

I left everything except my pride and earth
I choose her as mother,A rebirth
I was happy
She'll always be with me
My mother,mother earth,The immortal earth.

But it was my rebirth,not theirs
About your peace,nobody cares.
They strike me hard
They strike me again
Am still a newborn
Cant bear the pain
What they want? Whats the truth
This trip was so smooth..........

Out of thoughts,I regain
My mother says,
He cant live who gives you pain
So,I bore your truth,you bear my brute
I slam them with all my power
You started,I'll end the war....

Yes I died
But I've not lost
Before it parts,Soul is satisfied
I lost nothing...I died with my mother earth
I died with my pride...